Dr. Tanya Osicka

Health Psychologist

Founder | Managing Director
Psychophysiologist | Gut-Directed Hypnotherapist

Dr Tanya Osicka is a Health Psychologist, who has a keen interest in the interplay between gastrointestinal disorders and psychological wellbeing. She has worked as a psychologist in private practice, private hospital, research, infertility, and aged care psychology settings. She has experience working with clients with a wide range of health conditions, and enjoys supporting individuals to live more fulfilling lives whilst managing their symptoms.

Tanya completed her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology at Deakin University, Graduate Diploma of Psychology at Cairnmillar Institute, and Doctor of Psychology (Health) at Deakin University.  During her doctoral studies she completed a thesis titled Functional Bowel Disorders and Adherence to Restricted Diets, which included the publication of a systematic review titled A Systematic Review of Adherence to Restricted Diets in People with Functional Bowel Disorders.

Tanya takes a warm and empathetic approach to her client work, and is experienced in a range of psychological therapies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness, fertility counselling, and grief counselling.

She holds membership of the Australian Association of Psychologists (AAPi), is a fertility counsellor registered with the Fertility Society of Australia (FSA) and the Australian and New Zealand Infertility Counsellors Association (ANZICA), and an associate member of the Australian Menopause Society (AMS).

Tanya sees adults at our St Kilda and East Melbourne rooms.